
Learn about our three-stage plan for the legalisation of Cannabis in Australia

Cannabis Use & Long-term Effects on the Brain

Some short-term effects may include immediate changes in thoughts, perceptions and information processing. The cognitive process most clearly affected by Cannabis is short-term memory, but this usually disappears as soon as the person is no longer affected.

So, what about long-term effects? There’s no convincing evidence that even heavy, longterm Cannabis use by adults permanently impairs memory or other cognitive functions. Some studies have shown that heavy Cannabis use starting in the early teens has an impact on the brain, while other studies have shown no impact. What is clear is that much more research is needed.

It is strongly recommended that teens not use Cannabis as their brains are still developing, and in particular, the part of the brain that controls emotional development can be sensitive. This is why legalising and regulating the Cannabis market to keep it out of the hands of kids is so important.

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How to donate to your state legalise cannabis party

The following states accept donations by PayPal, you do not need a PayPal account to donate:

New South Wales


South Australia


You can donate to the Federal Party here: