Victorian Legalise Cannabis MPs Rachel Payne and David Ettershank have been pushing the Andrews Government on a Road Drug Testing trial, and met with Road Safety Minister Melissa Horne late Thursday afternoon to that end.
The wheels of Government are churning, and we are optimistic that there will be something to report on this topic in the near future. Watch this space!
This legislation should be modified to allow workers who have the in their system to return to work as long as they have 12 hours before work.
FMG has sacked off-site staff and has blackballed staff for 2.5 years for testing positive for medical marijuana and has included other sites not to allow people who complained about this standard.
Discrimination of one more level for people who are stuck in the 1800s? Or safety?
Time WA got on board and pushed for full legalization of all marijuana for medical use and workplace discrimination to stop.